Monday, September 22, 2008

sketchbook peepshow:
Chinese Fan Doodle
*note to self* : post this on the blog, so you know where to find it.
OOPS! i'd forgotten... when i'm feeling 'off center'...
i need to remember that my centering remedy is to simply not allow my brain to be taxed with any harder decisions than which color to choose next.
Doodling, drawing, and executing a simple brief idea allows me to be in the moment, rather than worrying about things or people that i cant change, and burdens which are no longer mine. it also keeps me from 'imagining' disastrous events that havent happened like not getting paid $$ for services due, or toes that i'll step on while out chicago step dancing. being in the moment gives me clearer vision to see what is.
(and yeah, also how dramatic i can be if i really dont curtail the 'in-house" drama!)
This little colorful doodle on my dancing fan was a quick way to get back to my center this weekend... its colors and joy were influenced from seeing the fabulous rainbow in Kathy Munillo's Diary of a Crafty Chica Blog... and reading her blog daily. i thank her for sending out the positive vibe to all of us that had the 'friday' blahs... She's a crafty (chica) gal writer who's enterprising as well, check out her line of sparkly craft supplies at you local Michael's!
well, after completing my doodle painting,i realized (say that with a southern drawl please) nothing (in real life) had changed, except my outlook on things...
even today, the cuckoos are still cuckoo, the things that i cant change (death & taxes) still exist and will continue to coincide with my life.
and the truth is, i will always need to make an effort (albeit a tiny ones at times) at truly living my life with authenticity , fullness, and the strength of not having to know every answer to my life's queries, but where to find to find the answers...
my wish for you:
hey you darling, find your center, make a note where it is, just incase you need to come back to it.


Babz Rawls Ivy said...


I am a HUGE fan of your work. I have ordered prints and cards and have turned friends onto your cards.

Someone in CT loves your work...*wink*

Is the online store back-up?

keyka said...

What a beautiful fan! It is so bright and lovely. Very nice work.